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Shift the Dialogue

“The way we communicate with others and ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives.”

Tony Robbins 

What You Get

Transform your mindset to improve performance and positively influence almost every interaction. Create a more cohesive team culture leading to increased organisational effectiveness.

How We Get You There

Inner dialogue shapes your mindset through thoughts and self-talk, either empowering or limiting you.  Outer dialogue connects you with others, influencing how you engage and inspire.

We help you and your team elevate both to transform your personal and professional life.


Power Hour

Collaborative and insightful 60-min Q&A session where we answer the questions that count, unpack inspirational and actionable quotes, and explore the ‘Power Processes’ that will shift the dial for you and your team.


You decide the dialogue and which topics are tackled from 25+ Power Processes (Circles of Control, Habit Stacking, GRIT equation, etc.). 50+ Power Questions (Where are my blind spots? What are my superpowers? Why might they not follow me? etc.), and 75+ Power Quotes (“Culture eats strategy for breakfast. Where you sit determines what you see. Comparison is the thief of joy.” etc.).



Hands-on and empowering 90-min masterclass where we focus on transforming your inner dialogue. Fostering better mental health, improving your relationships, and uplifting communication capabilities.


Let go of past limitations and embrace living your best life today.  Move on from “I’m not good enough” to “I’m not there yet.” Enhance listening skills, foster open and constructive dialogue, and develop your growth mindset.



High-octane and experiential 4-hour skills clinic where we focus on transforming both your inner and outer dialogue. Fostering better mental health, improving your relationships, uplifting communication capabilities, and enhancing organisational culture.


Let go of past limitations and embrace living your best life today. Replace “I’m too busy” with “I’m ready for the challenge.” Enhance listening skills, develop a considered approach to decision-making. Discover your Success Mindsets whilst fostering open and constructive dialogue and cultivating a culture of confidence and growth.

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Your Coach

​In 2004, a single conversation with a shift in dialogue had the potential to change my brother’s life. Today, I am dedicated to helping people shift their dialogue to shift the dial.

​With over 20 years' leadership experience and 7 years' coaching and consulting, I run impactful communication workshops and coaching programs that empower individuals, uplift team performance, and drive positive cultural change.

Teaching techniques that enable people to achieve their goals, whilst leading fulfilling and successful lives. I work with clients as diverse as Amazon and The Reserve Bank of Australia, helping them achieve their Learning and Development objectives.

As the co-founder of 5Habits, a community that connects people committed to discovering, sharing, and embedding impactful habits, I draw inspiration from world-class athletes, academics, and entrepreneurs to help you shift the dial.


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Saving Captain Barnacles and the Lost Kids

An uplifting and empowering story recounting 30 years' of love, loss and transformation. Starting with a poem I read out at a funeral in 1993 and finishing with a story of hope from another funeral, this time my brother's in 2022.


Who is Captain Barnacles? My brother: a beautiful and complex man we lost to the black dog in 2022.  Who are the Lost Kids? Everyone else: you, me, your family, friends and foes.


Shift the Dialogue, Shift the Dial

A safe place to master your communication 'toolkit', learn how to shift your mindset, and transform team performance.  In each episode I respond to listener questions unpacking the Power Processes, Power Questions and Quotes that world-class athletes, academics, and entrepreneurs use to excel.


Nothing is off limits and topics include mindset, mental health, masculinity, leadership, and habits.

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